Selasa, 19 April 2011

Sufism in Islam

Sufism in Islam
Monday, April 18, 2011
By: Drs. Agus Subandi, MBA
Interpretation and Hadith TARBAWI
A. Conception of the Qur'an and Hadith ON HUMAN.
1. Human nature
Humans are creatures of God's most perfect form as the word of Allah swt in (QS95: 4), which means "Verily We created man in his best form" then human beings were created by God from the essence of land sebagaiman word of Allah in ( Sura 40:67,) which means "He Who has created you from clay kemuian from a drop of semen ..." and Sura 23:12) which means "And indeed We created man from a quintessence of land" at the beginning through the process of its creation, but then the next man on the creation God made it from a drop of urine that is sperm Allah has said in (Sura 23:13) which means "Then We made an extract semen was stored in a sturdy (uterus)"
The nature of other beings is that humans are creatures which its development is influenced by nature and the environment. in the words of the Prophet Muhammad:
"Every person born to bring nature, his father and his mother who makes the Jews, Christians, or Zoroastrians. (Hadith narrated by Bukhari and Muslim) "
Humans have much inclination caused by the many potential it carries, it can be divided into two trends:
1. The tendency to be a good person.
2. The tendency to be a bad person.
Man according to Al-Syaibani, have a tendency to believe in the highest and most superior power which controls this universe, and is a human tendency inborn. people want religion is an increased desire to follow standard of reasonable thinking human being, and ultimately will admit God exists. The nature of human beings basically consists of:
A. Physical aspect that is, aspects of which consists of all members of the body visible and movable, especially the five senses such as eyes, ears, nose, mult, and this tentacle can all be used to search for worldly life and ukhrawi.
As Allah in QS. Al-Qashash verse 77: the meaning of "Seek the life hereafter with what God gave you and you should not forget about worldly affairs." Powerful body needs in carrying power, a pious heart and extensive knowledge in running power this tersebut.hal also contained in the word of God in the QS. Al-Baqarah verse 168, and Al-A'raf verses 31-32. with the meaning of a healthy body through the senses is very important function in acquiring knowledge and in the living world.
B. Aspects of mind that is, an important organ for thought. Harun Nasution explained there are seven words in the Qur'an on this subject: Nazara (letter QAF paragraph 6-7), Tadabbara (Shad letter paragraph 29), Tafakkara (An-Nahl verses 68-69), faqiha (surat Al- Isra verse 44), Tadzakkara (An-Nahl letter paragraph 17), Fahima (surat Al-Anbiyaa 'verses 78-79), Aqala (surat Al-Anfal verse 22). in other chapters discuss the reason.
C. Spiritual aspect that is, an organ that drives, instincts, and tendencies, religion, society, awards, position and knowledge as well as a life partner
Through these three aspects constitute an integral and unusual dipi
passes to start the education process and quantitative citizens and governments
The concept of human nature that play a role in education, which in the process there is divine intervention (as in the QS. Al-A'raaf paragraph 71) that humans have been directly received training from God Almighty through Rabbaniyahnua testimony, and submitted to the continuation of their education further the educational process the man himself. This we see in this education process begins in man's knowledge to start their lives through education, for in through with no remorse. and to undergo all of these people must have the abilities (potential) to be developed toward the establishment of the whole person through
B. Conception of the Qur'an and Hadith ON EDUCATION.
3. MEANING Tarbiyah, study groups
Discussing the problem of education in Islam, education according to its Arabic language is the word "MT". And said ta'lim In terms of Al-MT term comes from the word "rabb", this word has several meanings, ie grow, preserve, maintain, manage , and maintain its sustainability in order to keep the existence of such contained in the Word of God Almighty, QS. Ar-Rum verse 39. There is also the word rabb contained in QS. Al-Fatihah verse: 2, which has the meaning of MT, since the word rabb (Lord) and murabbi (educators) means that God is the great educator for the universe (al-Syaibani). See explanation above, the Al-tarbiyah approach consists of four elements namely,
A. Maintaining and keeping students' disposition towards baligh.
B. Developing the full potential to be perfect.
C. Directing the potential for perfection.
D. Implement education gradually.
While the word means the science or study groups of people who have the knowledge, mengisya-
ratkan that the JV which has a primarily religious knowledge is often referred to oarang meaning of Ulama who teach science.
The word of God which explain calmly conception of the Qur'an and hadiths about education or tarbiyah and study groups are (Qur'an: 30: 29, QS.2: 276, 31 to 32.102 dan129, QS.7: 164, and QS . 3: 48, 79, dan164.)
And some are saying that education comes from the word Ta'dib
Ta'dib word based on the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad.
Which means "God has taught me, then He perfected my education. (Reported by Al-Asykary of Ali.Ra)
The word "Addaba" in the hadith is interpreted Al-Attas as well as educate and interpreted, My God has made me recognize and acknowledge the adab done gradually embedded in me, and guided towards the introduction and recognition, His place in the order form and personality and-consequently-he has made the best education [1]
4. EDUCATION essence.
A young man who was born from the womb of his mother in a weak state without power, all kinds of potential undeveloped. age over time will increase and its potential will grow. God's word in Surat.
An-Nahl verse 78
"And Allah brought you from your mother's belly in a state of not knowing anything, and He gave you hearing, sight, and hearts, that ye may be grateful."
But through the process of learning by following the patterns and social norms, binds to the ideology and value system, and engage in activities to exchange knowledge and experience to become a civilized society.
Education is an effort to treat human beings to achieve a goal. will be very humane when considering the capacity and potential that there is in humans. education is often said to be a conscious effort by the perpetrators to achieve a particular goal. as is the most important component in education. The most important goal is to "moral education". this is strongly associated with the delivery of Luqman Al-Hakim He stated that: "My son establish regular Prayer in a timely manner in accordance with its provisions, conditions, rukunnya, do amar ma'ruf nahi munkar as strong strength and patience for disruptions and obstacles that you face while implementing tersebut.Janganlah task mukamua because you turn arrogant and look down on people who were before you. And do not walk the earth with dignity, because Allah does not like people who pride themselves. and be valid if a simple walk do not be too hastily and not too slow or lazy. When talking lunakkanlah suarmu and do not scream no need, because an evil voice is the voice of a donkey. "
Understanding the process of education will not be complete without a true understanding of human nature. because the concept of dilators education background and actions by the concept of human nature. So human nature occupies an important position in educational studies related to human behavior and moral aspects of the individual.
The nature of education at its core is the potential that Almighty God gave man a mind and fikiran.Jika touched by education, then the human effort to humanize humans will materialize. In the process needs to be exemplary of educators to their students rather than by force or by violence. To continue education in the learning required an educator figure the knowledgeable, resourceful, have a certain character, mature and respected.
There are great expectations from the educational concept of the Qur'an can disejalankan and set forth in the national education system, and find its relevance and to formulate the steps needed to establish success. The essence of education is to be achieved is the teaching, sanctification, and devotion to God Almighty in line with the purpose of human creation which affirmed the Qur'an Letter adh-Dzariat verse 56
"And I only created jinn and men but that they may serve Me."
These goals will be achieved among others through discussion involving reasonable minds, said words that touch the soul, and good human stories and accompanied by a good example of pendidiknya.Manusia as caliph on earth requires four interrelated sides: the assignor that is God Almighty. Recipients of human tasks as an individual or group. Environment in which humans live. Assignment materials that must be human.
Al-Qur'an and Hadith.
Islamic Education to place the human as a creature of God, then man is at once subject and object of education is not free, as bound by the values contained in the nature of its creation. A goal is something that is addressed through the business. and ends when the goal has been achieved. The purpose of Islamic education is to form a perfect Muslim personality, personality, dijiwanya on all aspects of Islamic teachings. Basic education resulting from the formulation of thought in the form view of life with consideration to the benefit and significance for human life.
The purpose of Islamic education according to the Qur'an is to realize the function of man as a servant of God that must be submissive and obedient to His rules and ser-ta's will only serve to Allah SWT. Word of God in QS. Az-zariat verse 56
"No I created the jinn and mankind except to serve Me." (MORA. RI)
Thabathabai tend to interpret those verses as a goal the creation of man. for they see emerging from the side of God, not from side makhluk.Sedangkan Ibn Abbas interprets this verse to the substance of worship as a human responsibility to God. In the interpretation of the Koran Fi Zilaliil explain the essence of worship is reflected in the following main issues:
A. Strengthen the concept of servanthood to God in himself with cemented the feeling that there Rabb and servants, and slaves who worship at Rabb.
B. Exposes himself to God with whole heart motion on the limb, and the motion of life. (Sayyid Qutb, 2004: 49)
It depicted the Prophet Muhammad Devotion SAWpada moral glory of the view that owned slaves, according to the main task of the Apostle of forming a noble character. "And be able to benefit wildlife and the environment"
"The best man is for the benefit of other humans.
(Hadith Muutafaq 'Alaih) "
The next educational goal is to realize the function of man as the Caliph fil ard. namely, to realize prosperity on earth. contained in QS.Hud paragraph 61.
"He has created you from earth and made you as pemakmurnya (MORA RI)" This verse indicates that the duties and responsibilities of the caliphate is the prosperity of the earth, the substance needs to be further analyzed. From the above verses mean that responsibility is: inhabit the earth, preserve, organize, manage, and develop with the form as well as determining the direction and pace.
The next educational goal is to create a prosperous life on earth and happy diakhirat.Menurut education expert educational objectives are:
A. For the formation of a noble character.
B. Preparations for the life of the world and the hereafter.
C. Preparing to seek sustenance and maintain the benefit, known as vocational and professional goals.
D. Growing scientific spirit of students and satisfying curiosity.
E. Memepersiapkan students in a professional manner.
The criteria that can be taken to see the success of the objectives of Islamic education based on the Qur'an are: beings kamil, mutawakkal, muttaqiin.
Etymologically, the term method derived from the Greek "metodos" meaning is a path traversed to reach the goal. When linked to Islamic education method is a way to inculcate religion in students' knowledge towards the goal of Islamic personal. other than that another meaning is as a way to understand, explore, and develop Islamic teachings. thus developed in accordance with the development of Age. [2]
The method used in the Qur'an education known as amtsal namely, making pemisalan, metaphor and comparison. Ibn al-Qayyim states equate amtsal is something else in terms hukumnya.dan bring an abstract to the concrete. from the definition above amtsal is likens something abstract with other, more concrete to achieve the objectives of the parable tersebut.Dari based on Qur'an verses and Hadiths Qur'anic method development principles is the principle:
A. The principle of compassion that is, the genuine nature of what is shown in harmonious communication between educators and students.
B. The principle of openness that is, the creation of a dialogical atmosphere at educators and educated.
C. The principle of balance is, the harmony on the quality of human physical nature through ma'ruf amar nahi evil.
D. Principle integralitas namely, integration with regard to the atmosphere include students going on (actual).
There is some wisdom from the verses above that is, the use of appropriate methods and approaches to be conducted to convey messages of educational value. Without using this method difficult to be accepted by society or the learner, in this case are the methods of Islamic education. The expression of At-tariqah ahammu min al-maddah, this shows how important it is to find methods and the proper way to achieve the objectives included in the case of educational goals.
Islamic education is education that must rely on the Qur'an and hadith and explore the potential that exists in humans which God Almighty in the form of mind and intellect. The universe is the region that need to be reviewed and raises the desire to always seek and understand.because people increasingly understand the more it will want to search for and study to eliminate the ignorance that lead to better and more grateful for the faith and the meaning of life more meaningful.
In education there is a basic human need to be assessed in relation to the process of studying which is often termed a matter of education or learning materials. The purpose of this material is solely for the educational process more targeted, systematic, achieving its intended purpose, acquire knowledge useful for life in order to obtain the happiness of the world and akhirat.Allah ordered mnusia to study the religious sciences  As can mean the word of God QS . At-Tauba verse 122.
"It is fitting for the believer is to go all kemedan war, why not leave some of them to deepen their knowledge of religion and to give warning to his people when they have returned to him, so that they can maintain themselves."
Science means knowledge acquired in education or teaching, known as educational material. Views of knowledge are divided in two categories namely: ma'rifat science and science. Science ma'rifat is fed directly to humans in the form of revelation, inspiration. while science can be achieved through the use of intellectual power and jasmaniyah. [3] Based on the above verse from the Islamic educational materials include:
A. Science is faith, including monotheism and other sciences related to science ketauhidan.
B. Science Shari'ah ie, science that govern human relationships with God and man's relationship with humans and the relationship to the environment.
C. Science of morality that is, about society, how human social life.
So along with the development of high technology era and Muslims should be able to adjust to these developments with the wishes of the people to be more like to develop the will to achieve such knowledge to avoid lagging in this development, and able to accompany him with material that is not out of order religion. Larena with the knowledge of Muslims can better survive in a more independent life.
8. THROUGH Asmaul Husna
The word Al-Asthma is the plural of the word Al-Ism commonly translated as "Name" which is rooted from the word Assummu, meaning height or Assimah meaningful sign [4] . While AL-Husna is Muannats form of words that contain meaning Ahsan best.
Al-qur'an provide explicit descriptions as well as guidelines in order to make Husna Beautiful Names as an approach to Muslims in the act and do in kehidupan.Dalam discussion of the attributes of God in Asmaul Husna Al-Fatihah in the letter there is the nature of God is Ar-Rahman and Ar -Rahim (gracious and merciful), Al-Malik (King or Ruler / Owner) Malik meaning it contains the meaning of strength, which means strengthening validity. God by His nature al-Malik could not be criticized for whatever he is doing because of considerations of human mind is not a definitive measure against acts of God,
The meaning of the word Ar-Rahman and Al-Malik said that it has been briefly, then we can Collaborate on to the world of education, namely that his real Rahman and Rahim of Allah SWT does not only apply only to human beings alone but also applies to God's creatures that live in earth, by pouring her love and affection to each other. Compassion is the shape can be realized between the parents in informal education, and between educators and students in formal institutions.
In the discussion Nature of God (Beautiful Husna) in the word of God QS. Al-Hasyr. verses 23-24. there are properties which are: Al-Quddus (The holy and pure and full of blessings), As-Salam (Allah Almighty to avoid a shortage, and extinction), Al-Mu'min (security providers), al-Muhaimin (handle and oversee affairs creatures), Al-Aziiz (Maha beat anyone who beat him, not unbeatable by anyone), Al-Jabbar (the most coercive and most powerful), Al-Mutakabbir (His majesty and grandeur only). meaning that can be understood from this verse is :
A. And that power belongs only to God.
B. The people who raised the enemies of God as their leader will not get power.
C. Do not grieve for Allah is with those who believe.
In the QS. A-Hasyr verse 24 God has a hand in three sifatyang such as Al-Khooliqu, Al-Baari'u, Al-Mushawwiru.para scholars interpret the nature of God as a meticulous arrangement based on a specific size for the circulation of the heavenly bodies and the earth is meant by Imam Al-Ghazali in the process of manufacture, handling and memperhalusnya and beautify at the same time worked by God, without any deficiency in the process
A. Judging from the position of faith in God can be used as the main material for the formulation of educational goals and curriculum and aspects of its aspects.
B. In terms of the function of faith in God through Asmaul Husna, as an effort to increase development in the field of science.
It must be realized human being in addition to have the truth, also have the potential to do wrong. above this, the man should be able to open ourselves to try to seek knowledge with a spirit that does not conflict with the values and religious norms,
If this can be done, it is impossible in our lives who have all this complicated, can not be resolved. These authors hope because every manusiamemiliki potential to have properties such as belongs to God, even though such ownership is a relative or temporal, because it must be in understandable nature merely intrinsically gift from God Almighty to have. Amin Ya Rabbal 'Alaamin.
AL-Quran and Hadith
9.ILMU knowledge
Al-Qura'an a holy book that contains the instructions in developing science, that science is in the Koran that could be developed for the benefit of man and its surroundings.
Al-Quran encourages us to develop the existing knowledge in the Quran in accordance with the instructions, there are several verses of the Quran and Hadith relevant to the context of the above view is (QS.Al-Mujadalah: 11 and QS. At-Tauba : 122.
Which means: "O ye who believe when it is said unto you: berlapang-lapanglah in the Majlis, then surely Allah will give lapangkanlah spaciousness for you, and when it is said;" Brdirilah you ", then stand up, surely Allah will exalt those who believe! among you and those who were given some degree of knowledge, and Allah is Informed of what ye do. (Qur'an: 58: 11). and
122. It is fitting for it to go all the believers (to war). Why not go from each group among them several people to deepen their knowledge of religion and to give warning to his people when they have been returned to him, so that they can maintain themselves.
Then in HR: Abu Nu'aim from Ibn Abas.
Which means: "A man who most closely to the degree Nubuwwat is jahad.Adapun scientist and expert scientists, they are the way to the human yangmenunjukan what brought by Rosul.Dan as for scholars of jihad, they are struggling with their swords, what membaw dibwa by Prophet-Prophet's "
So to achieve a high degree before Allah swt.seseorang must have faith that is manifested in worship and Amaliah, as well as natural and scientific knowledge pengtahuan
Surat At-Tauba: 122 explain or mengisyartkan for people especially Muslims memilukai various dimensions, both in economic, political, social, particularly pendidikn agama.Pengetahun about religion is a primary need for people because they deepen their religious knowledge can give warnings, guidance is also guidance for other Muslims.
Allah has said in 19-23, which means:
19. And death's door came with truth. That's what you always run away from it.
20. And the trumpet is blown. That day implementation of the threat.
21. And every soul came, along with him an angel of driving and an angel witness.
22. Truly ye are in a state of neglect of (things) this, then we reveal the lid from you (that covers) of your eye, then your vision on that day is very sharp.
23. And that was with him said: "This (record to his credit) available on my side."
So according to above explains that all human actions are monitored kept by God's handiwork in the world that will be known or will be disclosed later in akhirat.Kemudian if in connecting with the QS. Al-A'la: 14-17 that the man in the Hereafter will be divided into several classes of how levels of faith and belief of the hereafter amaliahnya.Maka will form four imlikasi education including:
1. Implications for Education Faith
2. Implications for moral education or deeds
3. Implications for educational evaluation
4. Implications for administrative education.

Analyze the paragraph about the coaching community 9 and 13 is that humans are social creatures who do not usually separated from the help of others, he must live as human society is not going to live with a decent outside masyarakat.Masyarakat very broad and can cover all manusia.Masyarakat consists of various groups in a sociological, according to S Nasution (1983: hal.60) ie
1. Primary groups: an intimate relationship such as relations with family, neighbors and friends sepermainan.
2. Sakunder groups: group formed for a specific prtimbangan on a needs basis.
Humans basically / essentially is one, there is no difference between satudengan others did not have anyone who has the glory of human dibanggakan.Dan and valued humility virtuous character is noble, polite friendly obedient to the Divine (Al-Azhar: 2003: 6835 .)
Meldi Gholsani (2004, p.. 76-77) gives the basic concept of the ideal Islamic society is a society in which there is the law of God be the judge on all matters of kehidupan.Akan manifest justice, social welfare, responsible, build a sense of brotherhood and so on.

[1] M. Naquib al-Attas. Concept of Education in Islam. Bandung. Mizan. 1994.
[2] M. Arifin. Islamic Education. Earth Literacy. Jakarta. 1996.
[3] Cecelia Sumarna. Philosophy of Science. Noble Press. Bandung. 2008.
[4] M. Quraish Shihab. Husna Beautiful Names. In the perspective of the Qur'an. Heart Lantern.
Posted by Tasawwuf in Islam at 20:30

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