Minggu, 17 April 2011

Action Research

By: Drs. Agus Subandi
A. Definition
The last few years is growing rapidly an experimental research model that can be said "not sticky", but instead requires the development. The study referred to is "action research". (Suharsimi Arikunto, 2006, pp. 89)
When this action research model was introduced, many scientists who disagree, and believe that action research is less scientific, because it is done by trial and error. But after a known result is useful, and indeed carried out systematically and using the correct steps, then semaraklah development. (Suharsimi Arikunto, 2006, pp. 89-90)
In essence, action research is a series of "research-action, research-action ..." conducted by cyclic / cycle, in order to solve the problem, until the problem is solved. There are several types of action research, two of which are individual action research and collaborative action research. (Education and Training National PTK, 2008, pp. 1)
The cycle is a measure for success: learning outcomes, level of discipline, students' level of activity, scientific attitudes, student behavior, student collaboration capabilities, the learning process in the classroom and teaching skills of teachers. (Education and Training National PTK, 2008, pp. 32)
This action research could be included in the group "research experiment" with special characteristics. Namely repeated and ongoing research experiments. By using qualitative data. (Suharsimi Arikunto, 2006, 95)
The most important feature of action research is that the study is an attempt to solve the problem, while looking for scientific support. (Suharsimi Arikunto, 2006, pp. 95)
Action research is one strategy that utilizes problem-solving action in the form of an innovative development process that "try as you go along" in detecting and solving problems. (Suharsimi Arikunto, 2006, pp. 90)
Problems that can be studied include: learning problems in school; professional development of teachers in improving the quality of the design, implementation, and evaluation of teaching programs, management and control; design and learning strategies in the classroom; planting and development of attitudes and values; tools, media and learning resources; system assessment and evaluation processes and learning outcomes, curriculum issues. (Education and Training National PTK, 2008, pp. 30)
Given that the problem of education is not only happening in the classroom but also outside the classroom and still within the scope of the school, the teacher can make improvements to work processes. Hence the term action research Classes (Class Action Research) can be defined too narrowly. The term is broader and more flexible is Action Research (Action Risearch) only. (Suharsimi Arikunto, 2006, pp. 89)
The purpose and benefits of action research is to improve and enhance the practice of learning, problem solving, and professional services. While the benefits to foster innovative attitude, confidence, and curricular development. (Education and Training National PTK, 2008, pp. 14)
Suharsimi Arikunto said that "action research is research about the things that happen in the community or target group, and the results can be directly imposed on the people concerned". (Suharsimi Arikunto, 2006, pp. 90)
According to Kemmis action research is "research to trying out ideas in practice to fix / change something in order to obtain the real impact of the situation."(Kemmis, 1983).

According to Taggart action research is "self-reflective forms of research that collectively carried out by researchers in social situations to improve reasoning and practice of education and social justice as well as an understanding of practices and situations where he did". (Taggart, 1988)
Action research is a "form of assessment that is reflective of the perpetrators actions, undertaken to improve the stability of rational from their actions in carrying out tasks, to deepen understanding of the actions taken, and improve conditions of learning practices that done." (PGSM Project Education, 1999)
It can be concluded that the research is looking at the activities of an object, use the rules specific methodology to obtain data or information useful to improve the quality of a thing that interest and important for researchers. While the action is something the motion activities that are deliberately made with a specific purpose, which in this study form a series of cycles of activity. (Suharsimi Arikunto, 2006, pp. 91)
B. Feature / Characteristics of Action Research
1. On problem-oriented job, (the problem under study is a real problem, which emerged from the work of researchers / who is in authority / responsibility of researchers).
2. Problem solving oriented, (oriented towards problem solving.) Studies that only generate understanding / comprehension as in research interpretivisme empiricism and perceived usefulness (meaniful), because it does not solve the problem.
3. Improvement oriented, (oriented to quality improvement). Action research confirms the importance of each component of a system of organization that evolved (changed for the better.)

4. Multiple data collection, (various ways of data collection is used). To fulfill the principle of critical approaches (the truth is subjective / problematic) various ways of collecting data is generally used such as: observation, tests, interviews, questionnaires and so forth, so that what is actually called the truth / reality can be more revealed.
5. Cyclic, (cyclic) concept of action (action) basically implemented through sequences: planning, acting, Observing and reflecting that in essence describes the critical and reflective thinking (critical / reflective thinking) of the effectiveness of leadership for the action.
6. Participatory (collaborative). Researchers working with other people (experts) do every step of action research studies, such as: planning, Observing, thinking and reflecting action. (Education and Training National PTK, 2008, pp. 1-2)
C. Action Research Model
Kurt Lewin developed action research based on fundamental concepts that action research consists of four main components which also shows the steps, namely:
1. Planning (planning),
2. Action (acting),
3. Observation (Observing), and
4. Reflections (reflecting). (Suharsimi Arikunto, 2006, pp. 92)
The relationship between the four components showed a cycle or repetitive activity. "Cycle" is what actually became one of the main characteristics of action research, namely that action research must be conducted in the form of the cycle, not just one intervention alone. (Suharsimi Arikunto, 2006, pp. 92)
When depicted in the form vusualisasi, the Kurt Lewin model are drawn in a circle like the following chart:
Planning Observations
(Suharsimi Arikunto, 2006, pp. 92)
Actually there are several models that can be applied in classroom action research, but the most well known and commonly used is the model proposed by Kemmis and Mc Taggart. The models referred to are as follows:

Reflection -------------------------------------------------------- Implementation


Reflections --------------------------- CYCLE - II ---------------- Implementation

(Suharsimi Arikunto, 2006, pp. 97)

The stages in the penelitin action are as follows:
Stage One: Prepare the draft plan of action and known, which explains the what, why, when, where, by whom, and how it was committed.
Parties who take action are the teachers themselves, while conducting observations of the ongoing process of action is a researcher, not a teacher who is doing the action.
Stage Two: Implementation of Action, namely the implementation or application of the contents of the draft at the arena wearing a class action. In this phase teachers should abide by what has been formulated in the draft, but must also apply the fair and to avoid stiffness.
Phase Three: Observations, namely the implementation of observation by the observer. When a teacher becomes an observer is concerned, it must make "observations back" to what happens when the action took place.
Phase Four: Reflections, or a reflection, ie activities to restate what is already happening. (Suharsimi Arikunto, 2006, pp. 98-99)
D. Action Research Principles
1. The participatory action research (participatory action research) that the research activities carried out by emphasizing the involvement of the community to feel involved and have programs and activities intended to participate actively in community-based problem-solving.
2. Critical action research (critical action research), the research done by stressing the existence of a high intention to act to solve problems and improve the situation.
3. Classroom action research (action research class), namely a study conducted by the teacher to the classroom or at school where he taught with an emphasis on perfecting or improving processes and practices of learning.
4. Action research institution (institutional action research), which is done by the manager of the school as an educational organization to improve kinekerja, process, and prokduktivitas institutions. (Suharsimi Arikunto, 2006, pp. 95-96)
E. Target Object Action Research
1. Elements of the students, can be observed when students object in question is engrossed in following the learning process in class / field / laboratory or workshop, or when you're busy doing homework at night, or while following the communal work outside of school.
2. Elements of teachers, can be observed when the concerned was teaching in the classroom, are guiding the students who are traveling, or when the teacher was having a visit to the home students.
3. Elements of the subject matter, can be observed when the teacher was teaching or as material assigned to students.
4. Elements of equipment or means of education, can be observed when the teacher was teaching. With the aim of improving the quality of learning outcomes, which can be observed teachers, students, or both.
5. Elements of learning outcomes, in terms of three domains that become the destination point that must be achieved through learning, either the composition or level of achievement. Therefore, learning outcomes is a product that must be improved, will be related to the actions of other elements, namely the learning process, equipment or means of education, teachers, or students themselves.
6. Elements of the environment, both students in the classroom environment, school, and which encircle the students in her home. In action research, forms of treatment or action taken is to change the environmental conditions become more conducive.
7. Management element, which is clearly a movement activity that is easily managed and engineered in the form of action. (Suharsimi Arikunto, 2006, pp. 102-104)
F. Action Research Report
1. Opening
b. Page title
c. Pages endorsement
d. Abstraction
e. Preface
f. Table of Contents
2. Section Contents
b. Chapter 1: Introduction, which contains the background of the problem, the focus and formulation of problems, objectives and benefits of research, a framework of thinking, hypothesis.
c. Chapter 2: Review of theoretical, the results of relevant research.
d. Chapter 3: Methodology of research, which include: the subject of research, the setting (place), design (design or in ways basic research), data and data sources, data collection techniques, implementation of the action, a way of monitoring (monitoring who is doing, where and what is monitored), the analysis results (type of data analyzed, who analyzed) and reflection.
e. Chapter 4: Research Findings and Discussion, include: a description of the research setting, the results of each cycle and discussion of research results.
f. Chapter 5: Conclusions and Suggestions, making conclusions regard hashish analysis refers to the formulation of problems and goals. While the advice includes suggestions for further research and application of research results.

3. Support Section
c. References.
d. The annexes are required.
e. Attachment research instrument.
f. Documentation. (Education and Training National PTK, 2008, pp. 44-45)
G. Proposal PTK
1. Title
2. Preliminary
a. Background
b. Problem Identification and Formulation
c. Research Objectives and Purpose
d. Thinking Framework
e. Hypothesis
3. Theoretical Framework (Platform Theory)
4. Research Methodology:
c. Research Setting and Subjects Research
b. Action Plan:
1. Planning (scenario actions, the procurement of equipment, personnel)
2. Implementation of the action (description of the action, scenario work, repairs, and action procedures)
3. Plan recording / recording of data and processing data or interpretation
4. Observation (plan recording / recording of data and processing / interpretation of data).
5. Analysis and reflection:
a. Procedure analysis
b. Brkenaan reflection process
c. Impact of corrective action
d. The criteria and action plan for the next cycle
c. Data Collection Methods (types and data formats)
5. Budget Plan
6. Research Schedule
7. Bibliography
8. Attachment
9. Documentation
10. Curriculum vitae. (Education and Training National PTK, 2008, pp. 38-39)

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