Minggu, 17 April 2011

Study Habits at Home Will Increase the Achievements of Learning in School

By: Drs. AGUS SUBANDI Teacher SMAN 5 Jl. A. Yani No. Falkirk 10 41 314
A. Background
The responsibility of education lies in the elderly, schools (government) and society. Tafseer Ahmad said that the responsibility of teachers only when in school. Meanwhile, after students leave school is the responsibility of parents and the community. What more is the parent, because the time to be in society is limited.
Humans are creatures of God who have a propensity to learn. (M. Arifin, 2009 pp. 106) Learning is a change in behavior due to experience (Edward Walker, 1967). It can also be interpreted as a process that brings a change in the way of view of someone want to respond and respond as a result of its relationship with the surrounding. (Floyd L. Ruch, 1963).
Most people assume that learning is merely collecting or memorize the facts presented in the form of information / learning materials. People who berangapan so usually will soon feel proud when his sons were able to mention again orally (verbally) most of the information contained in textbooks or taught by teachers. (Muhibbin Shah, 2003, pp. 64)
Prophet. said as follows:
It means "To demand that science fardhu on every Muslim". (Reported by Ibn Adi and al-Bayhaqi from Anas hadith).
Amir Syarifuddin in Usul Fiqh said that "Mandatory is something that is demanded by the Personality '(lawmakers) to execute from each person of private mukallaf (the subject of law). Obligations that must be carried out alone and can not be done by others or because of actions of others. (Amir Syarifuddin, 1997, pp. 296)
According to al-Ghazali, science Fardhu 'ain for every Muslim is a religious sciences with all that stuff. At the start of the Koran, then the main points of worship such as the issue of prayer, fasting, zakat, O and others. Al-Ghazali defines science Fardhu 'ain as "Science of the procedures to perform a mandatory act. If anyone knows a compulsory sciences, and when it's time, he already knows the science of Fardhu 'ain'. (Fathiyah Hasan Solomon, 1990, pp. 26)
Human development begins with learning activities, and learning activities that take place through a process from birth to death (minal mahdi ilal lahdi). The learning process is effective is if the goals have been set to achieve the proper order. Thus, the process of learning is directed and purposeful activities. (M. Arifin, 2009, pp. 106)
The purpose of evaluation is to determine the level of progress achieved by students in a certain period of time the learning process.This means the evaluation of teachers to know the progress of students' behavior changes as a result of teaching and learning process that involves him as assistant coach and the student learning activities. (M. Arifin, 2009, pp. 140)
When students receive report cards from each smester results of the evaluation study, it is seen is all the values contained in these report cards. There are a proud and happy as it gets a good achievement, there are not happy because of disappointment with the existing values and some even do not react as a result of the lack of attention to the numbers that exist because of confusion has no purpose.
The attitude of parents when they received the results of children's report cards also vary, there is a happy and immediately respond with a motivation to further improve learning achievement. There is no rush because the parents care or educational background is minimal, so the results that there is no response on the report cards do not even know the purpose of such values. Known whether their children to the next grade or graduate with no question the values of existing achievements.
For teachers and schools who want the students do well in the classroom or school environment even achievement between schools or between areas both nationally and through international, a number of motivation and learning facilities in order to obtain smooth proud achievement has been provided even easier -ease in following all the process until the achievement was achieved with a variety of gifts in order to enhance the spirit in miningkatkan accomplishments that result.
Achieving both will boast all the people, but poor achievers who will be blamed or who was actually first felt responsible. Do the students themselves because not willing to learn and hard to get used to learn both at home and at school, but still want the school and recognized as a student.
When age students have grown up like in high school bench, then the level of dependency on other people less and less, except when experiencing learning difficulties will require assistance both to teachers and friends who can be invited to cooperate in studying and solving the problems of learning. Even the level of supervision parents are not too tight, because already accustomed to bear the burden and the responsibility of what ditugaskannya in school for the sake of the ideals he wants.
The issue appears on the students who do not have goals because of lack of attention by both parents at home. It is also an effect on his life caused communities that do not support the culture of education for its students. This means that society is more concerned with living a good competition of economic factors, social and political.
On the basis of pemasalahan tersbut above, the writer would hold a Class Action Research with the title "STUDY HABITS AT HOME CAN INCREASE THE ACHIEVEMENT OF STUDENT LEARNING IN SCHOOL".
A. Problem Identification
In this research, the authors take students to class X 8 SMA Negeri 5 Karawang academic year 2010/2011.
Students come from families. Family is the smallest community that has the duty and responsibility in developing informal education. Habits at home will bring a positive impact on subsequent developments. If a child has been accustomed to using the time when it was home to study, then when the kids are in school would utilize his time to learn. In addition to attending the scheduled in-class teaching. Conversely, if the habit of studying at home is
not instilled by his parents. Whether it can be guaranteed that these children will get good performance?
On the basis of the statement above, then the problem can be identified as follows: "What study habits at home can improve the performance of student learning outcomes in schools for students of Class X 8 SMA Negeri 5 Karawang ?
B. Restrictions Research Problems
Below are some terms relating to the above problem to be explained as follows:
1. The habit of learning or classical conditioning is a procedure by creating a new reflex stimulus brought before the occurrence of these reflexes (Terrace, 1973). Learning is solely to collect or memorize the facts presented in the form of information / learning materials. (Muhibbin Shah, 2010, pp. 87) Learning is a process of habit forming new habits or improvements to the habits that have been there. Learning habits, in addition to using the command, role model and a special experience, also using punishment and reward. The goal is that students are acquiring the attitudes and habits of new actions more precise and positive in the sense of harmony with the needs of space and time (contextual). (Muhibbin Shah, 2010, pp. 121-122)
In this case is custom made by the students who always use the time to learn at home before doing other activities both in the community or when it will go to school.
2. Achievements of learning outcomes is a change in attitude and behavior that occurs in students before learning and after learning. That is an increase in knowledge, attitudes and skills
possessed by students with a proven acquisition of existing figures on student report cards or test results to an increase.Besides, students have been declared complete in which to learn and gain promotion to the next grade or graduate.
C. Formulation of Research Problems
Based on the problems that have been restricted to the above, then the formulation of the problem posed is "What study habits at home can improve the performance of student learning outcomes in schools for students of Class X 8 SMA Negeri 5 Falkirk."
D. Research Objectives and Purpose
1. Research Objectives
a. The importance of the problem studied, because the achievement of learning outcomes can not formed suddenly.
b. Disclose and discuss the achievements of student learning outcomes for those who used to perform learning activities at home.
c. Author's knowledge this problem has not already been discussed.

2. Usability Research
a. Benefits for Teachers
1) Able to assist teachers in accelerating the process of delivery of material readiness to learn lessons from the students since from home.
2) For the teachers face students who have been accustomed since the home will learn more easily than students who are not accustomed to learning.
b. Benefits for Students
1) With increasingly sophisticated influence of globalization that enter the world of education, the more interesting and challenged the students to make the preparations themselves, especially in reaching its goals,
so that time is when shared with family at home will be used to study well.
2) Students can feel the results of these activities with the preferred subject matter, because what is communicated by the teacher is easily understood and accepted as well as spur to achievement.
c. Benefits to Schools
1) Constraints provide funds to purchase equipment in delivering course material will not be a barrier, if the utilization of these tools can assist in the achievement of the learning material that is felt by the students and the
impact that the school managed to take advantage of advanced technology including in the subject of Islamic Religious Education.
2) Schools in accordance with the vision and mission are able to apply the successful use of advanced technology, which means it manages the quality of education increases.
d. Benefits for Readers
1) Any additional experience mean additional insights. More and more the experience gained will further enrich science
owned, so for those interested and also follow the developments would be interested to do the same.
2) Especially interested in the research world, it would not hurt if it examined ways more profound and will continue to be the actual study and challenged.
e. Benefits to Government
1) The more common methods that facilitate the learning process, the more recent findings that could bekembang become a theory.
2) The theory can survive if exposed to the theory into the mass media or an educational journal, and then incorporated into the curriculum that can be used among educational.
3) For the program provider of Islamic Religious Education teacher, will be considered and input to be tested, until its benefits can be perceived and applied as a teacher.
E. Thinking Framework
Any student who has undergone the process of learning habits will seem to change. According to Burghardt (1973), a habit that arise because of the depreciation of the response tendencies using the repetitive stimulation. In the process of learning, habituation also includes the reduction of behaviors that are not needed. Because the process of shrinkage / reduction is, emerged a new pattern of behaving relatively settled and automatic. (Muhibbin Shah, 2010, pp. 116-117)
Learning is a process of habit forming new habits or improvements to the habits that have been there. Learning habits, in addition to using the command, suri teladn and special experience, also using punishment and reward. The goal is that students are acquiring the attitudes and habits of new actions more precise and positive in the sense of harmony with the needs of space and time (contextual). In addition, the precise meaning and positive above is in line with the norms and prevailing moral values, both religious and traditional and cultural. Learning would be more appropriate habits conducted in the context of family education. (Muhibbin Shah, 2010, pp. 121-122)
In Act No. 20 of 2003 National Education System tntang Informal Education Section Six of Article 27 paragraph (1) informal education activities conducted by the family and the environment shaped independent learning activities.
Learning is key terms (key terms) yng vital in any educational effort, so that without learning there was never any real education. (Muhibbin Shah, 2010, pp. 93)
Skinner, as quoted by Barlow (1985) in his book Educational psychology: The Teaching-Learing Process, argues that learning is a process of adaptation or adjustment of behavior that take place progressively. This opinion was expressed in a short statement that learning is ... a process of progressive adaptation behavior. Based on his experiments BF Skinner believed that the adaptation process will bring optimal results if he was given reinforcement (reinforcer).(Muhibbin Shah, 2010, pp. 88)
In the put (Learning) → Students → Out put (Achievement)
F. Hypothesis
There is a relationship study habits at home with increased achievement of students in school learning outcomes for students Class X 8 SMA Negeri 5 Karawang.

A. Definition
Allah Most High. spoke as follows:
 
It means "not fitting for it to go all the believers (to war). why not go from each group among them several people to deepen their knowledge of religion and to give warning to his people when they have returned to him, so that they can maintain themselves. (Surat at-Tauba: 122)
Includes gift Alah SWT., In addition to delicious perception and thinking, man is also equipped with a natural readiness to learn and acquire knowledge, knowledge, skills and expertise. Learning to make man more capable of taking responsibility earth to live and prosper. In addition, the study also allowed humans to develop capability and assurance skills with insane people can achieve extraordinary perfection. (Muhammad Uthman Najati, 2005, pp. 251)

How do particular religious view of Islam on learning, memory, and knowledge? Presumably no one religion, including Islam, which explains in detail and operation of the learning process, the process of working memory system (sense), and process knowledge and skills mastered by humans. Islam, however, in terms of its emphasis on the significance of cognitive function (sense) and sensory function (the senses) as essential tools for learning, very clear. Key words, such as ya'qiluun, yatafakkaruun, yubshiruun,
yasma'uun, etc. contained in the Qur'an, is testament to how important the use of the function domain of human creativity and initiative in learning and gain knowledge. (Muhibbin Shah, 2010, pp. 98-99)
Abdurrahman Saleh Abdullah in Educational Theories based on the Qur'an says that "hilm with ahlam jama'nya form in the Qur'an there is one verse that shows the power thought. Izutsu call hilm not a perfect synonym of aql, more comprehensive hilm from aql, because hilm contains contains a very basic understanding of the power of thought and intellect, it is not a synonym, because aql narrower sense. But practically, the two terms be similar hilm aql and correct understanding.(Abdurrahman Saleh Abdullah, 2007, pp. 98)

Allah Most High. spoke as follows:

It means "(if you Hai polytheists who are more fortunate) or people who worship at the times the night prostrating and standing, is he afraid of the (punishment) hereafter, and expect mercy of his Lord? Say: "Are the same people who know people who do not know?" Those who berakallah who can receive lessons. (Surah Az-Zumar: 9)
Prophet. said as follows:
It means "Those on the path to whom he was studying God to take road to heaven". (Reported by Muslim from Abu Hurairah)
Later in another Hadith the Prophet. said:
It means "Science of the warehouse, the key is to ask. Know then ask. It rewarded him four persons, namely: his pen, the knowledgeable, listeners and people who love them. " (HR Ath-Thabrani, Ibn Mardawaih, Ibn Sunni and Abu Na'im of hadith Jabir with weak chains).

Chaplin (1972) in Dictionary of Psychology limit the study with two kinds of formulas. The first formulation reads: "... acquisition of any Relatively permanent change in behavior as a result of practice and experience" (Learning is the acquisition of behavioral changes are relatively settled as a result of training and experience). The formulation is the process of acquiring both responces as a result of special practice (Learning is the process of obtaining responses as a result of special training.) (Muhibbin Shah, 2003, pp. 65)
S. Nasution said that "Learning takes place in four phases, namely (1) phase of apprehending (capable of capturing stimulus), (2) phase of acquisition (ability to get something), (3) phase of storage (capable of storing what is obtained), (4) phase retrieval (restate what is stored. (S. Nasution, 1982, pp. 140)
Langgulung Hasan said that there are three basic requirements that must form so that learning can occur. First there must be a stimulus. Second, living things must make it a response to the stimulus. And third, that the response should be confirmed as the reward is not the object or objects so that a response was made again in the same atmosphere in the days to come, or abandoned if it is confirmed by a negative response. (Hasan Langgulung, 2003, pp. 245)
According to Bruner, in the process of learning to distinguish three phases or episodes, namely (1) information, (2) transformation, (3) evaluation. ... In the third episode of this learning process there is always the problem of how much information is required in order to be transformed. Long each
episode is not always the same. This is among others also depends on the expected results, student motivation, interest, desire to know and the urge to find themselves. (S. Nasution, 1982, pp. 9-10)
According to Wittig (1981) in his book Psychology of Learning, every process of learning always takes place in three stages.
a. Acquisition (acquisition phase / takes information).
b. Storage (storage phase information).
c. Retrival (stage retrieve information). (Muhibbin Shah, 1997, pp. 114)
Allah Most High. spoke as follows:

It means "1. read with (call) the name of your Lord who Creates, 2. He has created man from a lump of bloods.3. Read, and thy Lord is Most bountiful, 4. who taught (man) with mediator manuscript, 5. He taught the human what he does not know. (Surah al 'Alaq: 1-5)

If we associate the command to read it as a duty, and we agree that the meaning of the verse is indeed the Prophet Muhammad.ordered to read bismillaah when reading the Qur'an, then the meaning of this verse is: If you want to read, then read constantly so bacaanmu a charity which can be up to God and not to others to Him. If someone reading and reading is devoted to God and not to other than Him, while he did not mention the name of Allah, then it is read by the name of God. The mention of the name of God is charged with oral Facebook to arouse the heart at the beginning of each implement charity charity so long as the heart is always related to God and always remember the name of God and not his other name. (Al Ustadz Muhammad Abduh, 2000, pp. 229)
According Wajidi Sayadi that reading by using reasonable means trying elicits intellect. While the facility mnggunakan prostration heart (soul) will build the character of al-karimah and strengthen a sense of submission. (Wajidi Sayadi, 2009, pp. 14-15)
As for understanding the qualitative study (review quality) is the process of obtaining the meanings and understandings and ways to interpret the world around the students. Learning in this sense power is focused on achieving a quality thought and action to solve the problems facing students now and later. (Muhibbin Shah, 2003, pp. 68).

B. Learning Theories
Is the learning processes? How is he going? Why is a student makes a response to the effort of teachers? Issues such as these appeal to pmbuat theory-makers and practitioners in educational psychology. Although no one theory of learning is taken and the results of the investigation was to describe the overall activity of learning in the classroom, or anywhere else, but there are basic theories that can explain the behavior of learning that we see in class or anywhere else. (Hasan Langgulung, 2003, pp. 246)
Mathematicians, physicists, biologists and other scientists stressed the value of intuition in solving problems. An intuitive thinking is said, when he had long thought of a question and suddenly saw destroyed. Besides, it is said that an intuitive thinking, if he can quickly bring guess-guess a fit and proper. According to Webster's dictionary, means understanding the immediate intuition. True or not intuition that remains to be investigated by an analytical way. (S. Nasution, 1982, pp. 10)
Muhibbin Shah in Educational Psychology says that "Pragmatically, learning theory can be understood as a general principle or set of principles that are interconnected and merupkan explanation for a number of facts and findings related to the learning event. Among the many theories are based on experimental results, there are three kinds of the most prominent, namely connectionism, classical conditioning and operant conditioning. (Muhibbin Shah, 2010, pp. 102-103)

In terms of history, can we classify learning theories to the two major categories:
1. Association theories, including theories of the main branch of behaviorism;
2. Field theories, including theories of the main branch in cognitivism. (Hasan Langgulung, 2003, pp. 246)
1. The theory of learning associations
Experts think the association defines the learning process according to the requirements of behavior. Emphasis was given to the requirements of classical and operant requirements. Classical requirements can be viewed as a replacement stimulus depths, after many stimuli pair conditional and unconditional, then the conditional stimulus began to issue a response previously only subject to an unconditional stimulus ... Terms of operant behavior is defined according to the result of voluntary or appearing without a stimulation known. Consequences for member rewards in some way cause that an act will be repeated.If repetition is valid, then said that have been enacted confirmation (reinforcement) is positive or negative. (Hasan Langgulung, 2003, pp. 247-248)

In everyday experience, we have the impression as if what we experience and we learned not all stored in our minds. In fact, according to cognitive theory of what we experience and we learn, if we cultivate it reasonable system in a way appropriate, all subsystems are stored in our permanent sense. (Muhibbin Shah, 2003, pp. 169)
These factors cause forgetting:
a. Forgotten conflicts can occur due to interference between the tem-item information or materials that exist in students' memory system.
b. Forgot to happen to a student because of the pressure on the items that have been there either deliberately or not.
c. Forgot to happen to students because of environmental circumstances change between the time you learn with time recall.
d. Forgot to occur due to changes in the attitude of the students' interest towards the process and specific learning situations.
e. Forgot to occur because the subject matter that has been mastered is never used or memorized students.
f. Forgot to occur because of changes in brain nerve endings.(Muhibbin Shah, 2003, pp. 171-173)

2. Field Theories
Expert field theories regard the principles of association and various forms of stimulus-response requirements and it is incomplete. Instead, they emphasize the organization which he called the total field, which consists of:
a. Many stimuli.
b. Stimuli are joined in meaningful patterns.
c. The reaction of living beings.
d. Living thing itself. (Hasan Langgulung, 2003, pp. 248)
Views of the Gestalt psychologists of learning different from association of psychologists. Gestalt psychology view that learning occurs when the obtained insight (pemahaman). Insight arise suddenly, when the individual has to look at the relationship between the elements in a problematic situation. Can also be said that insight arises when individuals can understand the original structure is a problem. In other words the experience of insight is a kind of reorganization that occurs suddenly, like when someone finds a new idea or find solutions to problems. (Gagne, 1970: 14)
The principle that unites among experts in the field theory is the student's own observations on the environment and personal discovery of meaning in an atmosphere. Learned behavior must be explained by the nature of the overall problem. Humans do not make a separate response to stimuli, but to a set of stimuli or stimulus pattern. They do not make responses to single
stimuli, but to a stimulation pattern, a pattern as a whole. In short, individuals choose certain stimuli from the overall situation, it is where he will react, and what it chooses will change actions. (Hasan Langgulung, 2003, pp. 249)
Muhammad Uthman Najati in Psychology in the Qur'an states about the sources of Sciences that "Man dpat acquire knowledge from two main sources: the Divine source and the source insaniah. Both types of science once again to Allah Most High.who has created man and equip it with various tools and instruments that can be used for perception and knowledge acquisition. Knowledge that comes from the Divine source is the science that directly come to us from Allah Most High. malui revelation, inspiration, or dreams are true. The knowledge that comes from sources insaniah is the science of human learned from his personal experiences in life, his sincerity in the exploration, observation, efforts to overcome the various problems facing by trial and error, or through practical experience. " (Muhammad Uthman Najati, 2005, pp. 251-252)
Furthermore, also said in the ways of learning according to the Qur'an that "Man will learn different ways. Sometimes people learn by imitating (Imitation). A child will imitate their parents and learn their habits and behavior patterns. Through practical experience or TRIL and error, man will also learn a lot about the ways that are useful in overcoming the various problems of life and various affairs of living. Sometimes people also learn through thinking and make logical conclusions. " (Muhammad Uthman Najat, 2005, pp. 258)
Allah Most High. spoke as follows:

It means "then God sent a crow digging in the earth to show him (Cain) how should bury his brother [1]. Cain said: "Oh woe me, why ? I was not able to do as this raven, and then I can bury my brother? "because it's become She's a among those who regret." (Surah al Maidah (5): 31)
[1] It is understood from this verse that the man many are also taking lessons from nature and do not hesitate to take lessons from a lower level of knowledge.
In another verse Allah. spoke as follows:

It means "Behold already exist in the (self), the Messenger was a good role model for you (that is) for people who expect (grace) of God and the (arrival) Day of Judgement and He is much mention of God. (Surat al-Ahzab (33): 21)
Furthermore, Muhammad Uthman Najati said in the Ways of learning through practical experience and trial and error states That "Man earnest Also learn to face and try to overcome Various practical problems of life through experience and trial and error.In life, people always face new That situations have not learned how to respond to situations or how to address these situations bari. Sometime installments responses were the resource-Sometimes mistaken and too precise. So people, through what modern psychologists named by trial and error (the process of conditioning), human constantly learn about new responses in dealing with new situations and solve problems in practical life that it faces. (Muhammad Uthman Najati, 2005, pp. 262)
Allah Most High. spoke as follows:

It means: "they only knew who was born (only) of the life of the world, are they about (life) is to neglect the Hereafter." (Surah Ar-Rum (30): 7)
Humans also learn through thinking. When someone is thinking to solve a particular problem, in essence he was doing some sort of trial and error intellectually. In his mind, it occurred to some solution that is wrong or inappropriate. Next, he will choose a solution which he considers appropriate and correct. So, by thinking, a person learns a new solution for various problems. By thinking, one also can reveal correlations between various objects and events, spawn new principles and
theories, and find new discoveries. Therefore, the psychologists call the process of thinking as a process of high-level learning.
Allah Most High. spoke as follows:

It means: "and (for) those who accept (obey) the call of their Lord and establish the prayer, their affairs are (decided) by musyawarat between them, and they spend a portion of the provision which We have given them." (Surat ash-Shura (42): 38)
Allah Most High. said:

It means: '17. So Do they not consider how He created the camel, 18. and sky, how it is raised? 19. and the mountains how they are fixed firm? 20. and the earth how it is spread? (Surat al Ghasyiyah (88): 17-20)
The principles of learning according to Qur'an are as follows:
a. Motivation
b. Repetition
c. Attention
d. Active participation
e. Distribution study
f. Behavior changes gradually. (Muhammad Uthman Najati, 2005, pp. 268-302)
Although theoretically learn to dirtikan as changes in behavior, but not all changes in organism's behavior can be learned. Changes arising from the learning process is certainly a characteristic of a typical embodiment. Among the characteristic changes that characterize typical behavior of learning are:
a. the change was intentional;
b. the change is positive and active;
c. the change is effective and functional. (Muhibbin Shah, 2003, pp. 117)
Manifestation or embodiment of learning behavior is usually more often seen in the changes as follows:
a. habit
b. skills
c. observation
d. assosiatf thinking and memory
e. rational thinking and critical power
f. attitude
g. inhibition
h. appreciation
i. affective behavior. (Muhibbin Shah, 2010, pp. 116-119)
In general, people do business or work in the hope of acquiring a lot of results without the cost, effort, and time that many of them, or in other words efficiently. Efficient is a concept that reflects the best comparison between the effort with the result (GIE, 1985). Thus, there are two kinds of efficiencies that can be achieved students, namely:
a. business efficiency study
b. efficiency of learning outcomes. (Muhibbin Shah, 2010, pp. 123)
Efficiency of learning the business angle can be described following models:
Efficiency of Enterprise Learning Corner
Business Badu
Business Tuty Achievements
Learning Learning
Business Ibnu
Model 1 above shows us that Ibn more efficient than Tuti and Badu, because with minimal effort can achieve the same high learning achievement Tuti and Badu. In fact, Tuti and Badu have to try harder than Ibn. (Muhibbin Shah, 2010, pp. 124)

Furthermore, a learning activity can also be said to be efficient if the particular learning effort to provide high academic achievement. For more details, see model 2 below:
Efficiency of Learning Outcomes Angle
Badu Achievements
Business Tuty Achievements
Learning midle
Ibn Achievements
Model 2 above shows that Ibn is efficient in terms of student achievement, because it shows the best comparison in terms of results. In this case, although the effort to learn Ibn as great as the effort Tuti and Badu (see box learning effort), he had attained their optimal performance or higher than the achievement Tuti and Badu. (Muhibbin Shah, 2010, pp. 124)
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Name: Drs. AGUS Subandi
NIP: 196204161985031011

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